Atoraxxion - Vahmalkea
Black Desert's First Dungeon!
By nyaiera
Published: Sep 02, 2024
Updated: Sep 10, 2024
Atoraxxion Vahmalkea was the first dungeon released to Black Desert that offers unique content!
- Completing the Atoraxxion Vahmalkea dungeon offers different first time completion rewards
- There are 3 different difficulties for the dungeon, Season, Normal and Elvia Realm mode
- The Atoraxxion dungeon has story quest content that is not mandatory to complete in order to enter
- The dungeon can either be completed either Solo or as a Party, only the Party will give the main rewards.
Entering Atoraxxion
To enter the dungeon you'll need to head over to the Ancient Stone Chamber, the same place you met Edan during early questlines at the start of the game.
The entrance to Atoraxxion is behind a doorway at the end of the Stone Chamber, here's a picture for reference:
You'll then be able to see an object that you can interact with called Talibre's Door - Sol Magia, interacting with it will bring you to the dungeon entry menu.
You'll need to be at least Level 60 in order to enter the dungeon but that's the only requirement.
This window will let you queue with a party, solo or use the matchmaking to try and form a party for a run.
The different symbols are to choose which dungeon you'd like to enter, in this guide we'll use the far left symbol for Vahmalkea.
The Solo entry is more for completing the questlines and gathering knowledge, you'll only be given a first time completion reward.
You won't be able to use Solo Entry mode to get the weekly chest reward for completing the dungeon.
Difficulty Modes
There's three different difficulty modes for Atoraxxion. These difficulty modes effect the rewards you receive, the Season mode for example only really gives rewards tailored towards the Season Servers.
Season Difficulty Mode
The recommended gear for completing the Season server difficulty mode is only DUO Tuvala gear.
You can also accept weekly quests from Fuhgar to complete this version of the dungeon but you need to have completed the [Invitation from I] questline
During this difficulty mode there is no death penalties, so you can try out an easy version of the dungeon without worrying about dying.
Rewards available from the Season Mode dungeon:
Rift's Echo x1
Obtained with a certain probability:
PRI – TRI Tuvala Accessory x1
Normal Difficulty
The recommended gear for completing the Normal difficulty is 250 AP / 300 DP.
Like the Season mode, you don't need to worry about death penalities when doing Normal Difficulty.
(Contains a random accessory up to DUO)
(Exchange x1 for 100G Gold Bar)
Yona's Fragment x2 - x5
Trace of Nature x2 - x5
Ancient Spirit Dust x5 - x10
Obtained with a certain probability:
(Used to craft Vaha's Dawn accessory )
Elvia Difficulty
The recommended gear for Elvia mode is higher, the suggestion being 280 AP / 340 DP.
There is death penalties in all areas upon death except for in the final area, Vaha's Cradle, meaning you won't receive death penaltes against the final boss.
The Elvia difficulty gives different rewards depending on if it was your first or second dungeon run of the week.
Weekly First Playthrough Reward
Vahmalkea: Desert Chest
(Contains a random accessory up to TRI)
Maha's Fragment x10
(Exchange x1 for 100G Gold Bar)
Yona's Fragment x5 - x10
Pure Vanadium crystal x1 - x2
Pure Titanium crystal x1 - x2
Trace of Nature x5 - x10
Ancient Spirit Dust x15 - x20
Obtained with a certain probability:
(Used to craft Vaha's Dawn accessory)
Weekly Second Playthrough Reward
(Contains a random accessory up to DUO)
(Exchange x1 for 100G Gold Bar)
Yona's Fragment x5 - x10
Pure Vanadium crystal x1 - x2
Pure Titanium crystal x1 - x2
Trace of Nature x5 - x10
Ancient Spirit Dust x15 - x20
Obtained with a certain probability:
(Used to craft Vaha's Dawn accessory)
Atoraxion Story Questlines
If you'd like to do the questlines, then you'll need to start off with the Invitation of I main questline. It's not mandatory to enter and complete the Atoraxxion dungeons, but you need it to start the quests.
Then there's the main atoraxion questline, which will involve you actually completing the dungeon. Doing the questline on the solo mode can be a good first way to complete the dungeon.
The quests will take you through the different areas of the dungeon in a step by step way while dropping lore along the way, so if you're interested in that feel free to complete them.
Starting the Dungeon
When you first enter the dungeon, you'll see two ancient constructs by the entrance. These can be used to exit the dungeon and stock up on potions or repair.
The knowledge NPC will also unlock more knowledge that can be exchanged. If you're running as a group you can also pick up Medical Kits which is the only way to revive players in the boss room.
You can also pick up the Heavy Wooden Crates if you're running solo and want to complete all of the puzzles.
Completing all of the puzzles is not necessary for finishing the dungeon in solo mode anyway if you just want the first time completion chest from the rewards (Y) tab.
The first time completion will show up in the Rewards tab (Y) after you complete the dungeon and then exit.
You can also gather more knowledge by using the Ancient Weapon Blueprint combined with a Vaha's Circuit of Special Information that drops from mobs.
To combine them, just use your Yaz's Pouch in your inventory, you can place the items side by side and they'll combine, here's an example:
These will give you an RNG knowledge item, that let's you get more knowledge on the mobs within the Vahmalkea dungeon.
Completing the Dungeon
You always start in the same location when spawning into the dungeon, unlike some other teleports like Aakman and Hysteria. This makes it easier to run the dungeon since its linear.
When you start, you'll see floating cube constructs glowing gold, these are mob spawners that will cause enemies to appear in the dungeon. Stand under them to spawn the mobs.
If you're lacking in damage then you can drag the mobs over these steam vents, but generally you won't need to bother with them.
Killing these mobs will drop an important item for completing the dungeon called Vaha's Cold Thorn, you'll need 5 of them to combine into a new item.
If you're running in a group, every group member will need to craft their own items to unlock the last boss room.
You can combine the 5 Vaha's Cold Thorn by using Simple Alchemy (L) to create a Vaha's Dried Fang. This item will be combined with other drops to further unlock the dungeon.
If you've already visited the different areas of the dungeon, then you can run back to the Dungeon Exit npc by the start of the dungeon and use it to teleport straight to Vaha's Heart, skipping some travelling.
If you haven't visited the dungeon and unlocked the zones before, head further down the linear pathway to progress, don't worry about killing the monsters if you've already made the Vaha's Dried Fang.
The mobs only drop crafting materials, so there's no reason to bother with them, your focus will be killing the bosses.
Following the pathway will lead you underground to Vaha's Query, keep going, there's nothing you'll need to do here.
Continue on through the doorway to the next area, then follow the path, skipping over the mobs to reach Vaha's Sky.
This area holds the first puzzle of the dungeon, you can do it now if you want to but it's not mandatory to complete it. There will be a section for puzzles later in the guide.
Most of the puzzles can be completely ignored and they only provide knowledge within the Atoraxxion dungeon.
Head through the doorways that take you to Vaha's Query, this isn't heading backwards, it's just another part of the zone that leads to the next area.
Go up the hill in the next room and move through the doorway, this will lead you on to a cliffside outside. Turn left and you'll see some bridges to run under.
This will lead you into a large open space, next we'll want to move over to Vaha's heart by using our Vaha's Dried Fang to unlock the gateway.
Vaha's Heart
This zone Vaha's Heart is really quick, all you need to do is kill the mini-boss and the mobs if any spawn.
You'll be trying to obtain an item called a Searing Heart Piece which will combine with your Vaha's Dried Fang for the item to unlock the next zone.
You'll want to combine them in the Yaz's Pouch instead of using Simple Alchemy this time, here's the combination:
Again all party members will need to do this in a group setting, everyone needs their own unique versions of the items. Once you're done, you can head past the boss to the next zone.
Vaha's Head
The next zone holds a puzzle that you will need to complete, this one is mandatory but it's a really simple puzzle, so it's not too bad.
Interact with the object to start the puzzle, once you've interacted with it you'll be be able to stand on the platforms by the pillars to rotate the structures.
Standing on the little circles behind the pillars will let you rotate the pillars, the pillars will show where they're going to focus their light.
Rotate all of the pillars to focus the center construct, it might take some trial and error, but you should be able to get it pretty quickly.
Once the lights look like the above, you'll have a little bit of time before mobs start spawning, filling up the room in waves.
After you've killed a few waves of these mobs, the next boss Ahtenn will spawn, killing this boss will give you the next items to unlock the next rooms.
Combine your Vaha's Burning Fang with the Frozen Shell of Reason to create a Vaha's Twisted Fang. This will let you move into the next zone.
Interact with the construct to unlock the zone using the Vaha's Twisted Fang, this will let you move into Vaha's Garden,
When you're in Vaha's Garden, combine your Vaha's Twisted Fang with the Vaha's Whispering Bell to create a Lucretia Dagger. Again, all 5 party members need one.
Interact with the construct, if you're solo you'll be able to just use the construct like all the others, if you're in a party, all 5 of you will have to place your daggers in the construct.
Final Boss Room
If you're running the dungeon solo, you'll see the boss Apex Urukios already in the boss room waiting for you. There's no real mechanics to worry about, just jump down and kill it.
If you're running with a party there'll be two different bosses, Lucretia and Urukios. These two bosses heal each other if they're close to one another so generally partys will split them up.
Use two players to drag Lucretia to the left and another two players to drag Urukios to the right. Trash mobs will spawn in the south of the room, along with pillars.
The fifth party member should deal with the trash mobs and the pillars, as they will heal the bosses if they get to them.
Kill the trash mobs inside the circles to debuff the bosses making them take much more damage.
You'll get a text prompt "Curses! The fusion has failed. But why? Is it the drive system?" if you've done it right.
Keep the bosses at the same HP otherwise they will reset their HP and you'll have to start all over again.
If you match their HP at 50%, the two bosses will fuse together into a new boss and start a 2nd phase.
Focus damage on the boss and eventually you'll hit a point where a new phase will start, you can tell when it begins from the below text prompt:
Coloured lights will spawn in the room along with coloured pillars in the four corners of the room. You need to lead the coloured lights to the corresponding coloured pillars.
When travelling to the pillars, don't dash or use movement actions, just run to it normally. Here's an example of the red pillar:
Once the party members have successfully lead the lights to the correct pillars, you'll get another text prompt:
You'll be able to burst down the boss while its debuffed, allowing you to push into the next phase of the fight. From here on out it's mostly just finishing off the boss.
Vaha's Paradise
Once you've defeated the last boss, you'll be able to move towards the treasure room that will give you your rewards and let you leave.
Head inside the black void and you'll move on to the final zone, Vaha's Paradise, all you need to do is head up to the construct NPC at the end of the room.
Note that if you're running solo and can't see your rewards, you'll be given the first time completion chest after exiting the dungeon. You can find it in the My Reward tab (Y)
Optional Vahmalkea Puzzles
There's puzzles within Vahmalkea that the story quests have you complete along with some hidden puzzles. The puzzles are really only for knowledge, so don't feel like you have to do them.
Most parties, especially in matchmaking will likely just boss rush to the end for the weekly rewards, so you might need to do them in solo mode.
First Puzzle - Broken Bonds
The first puzzle is a set of golden scales, the scales need to be balanced out by adding different weighted boxes to each side of the scales.
Here's a better look at the scales, you can see when they shift due to the different cubes being placed down on them.
When the scales match up the puzzle will be complete, in the image below i used 4 cubes on the left and 2 on the right, but you'll likely need to try different combinations.
Second Puzzle - Unacceptable Imitation
This is a puzzle of copying the directions the Ancient Weapon moves in. Basically, it will guesture towards 1 of 3 circle platforms, you'll need to remember this order.
If you'd like to, you can type the order in the chat so it's easy to remember. This puzzle is pretty simple, but sometimes the Ancient Weapon attacks can look similar so don't worry if you don't get it on the first try.
This puzzle is a little hidden away, to find it, head to Vaha's Query as if you're moving to Vaha's Heart:
Instead of running to the teleporter that takes you to Vaha's Heart, look towards the cliff side with the monster spawners.
Once you move past the spawners you'll be able to see a rocky cliff under a bridge, run over and climb up the cliff:
Climb up the rocky cliff, its not difficult to jump up thanks to the cubes acting as platforms for you to climb up on.
The puzzle will be up a little higher on the cliffside, just interact with it to start with the puzzle:
Third Puzzle - Shattered Memory
This is another memory type puzzle, you can use the chat box to memorize the order of the flashing lights.
Head to Vaha's Heart, instead of heading over to the boss, run directly over to the rocky cliffside seen in the image below:
Just climb up over the cliff and you'll be able to see the puzzle platform just a short distance away:
To complete the puzzle, you need to watch for the flashing lights and remember their order. In solo mode, just pick 1 of the colours to watch.
I picked red when i completed it, but it can fail sometimes, so it's a bit of a 50/50. You can label the pillars 1-4 to help you write down which pillars are flashing.
As they flash just write down the order in chat. After that, just interact with the pillars within the time limit to complete the puzzle.
Puzzle Four - Forgotten View
Head to Vaha's Heart like in the last puzzle. Instead of jumping down off the cliffside that leads to Puzzle 3, climb up a little higher instead:
At the top of the cliff you'll be able to see the puzzle to interact with and the clue cube. This puzzle is just places boxes on the circle platforms. Not really a puzzle.
Here are the positions to place the cubes on. Every platform labelled "2" on the clue image shows you were to place them.
To get the cubes, head down to the object labelled "1" in the clue image. It's an NPC that has a shop. From this shop you'll need to buy 4 Heavy Wooden Crates.
To use the crates, just right click them in your inventory when you're standing on the different circle platforms.
Hidden Puzzle - Puzzle Cubes
Head to the Vaha's Storm area and run to the highlighted zone in the image below, you'll need to climb up the mountain side:
Climb up the cliff side using the cube like platforms to reach the top of the cliff, the platforms make it pretty easy:
Once you're up top, run across the bridge to the right and you'll see the puzzle cubes and the start to the puzzle.
There are two sets of cubes. The floating cubes show which of the cubes on the floor you need to interact with.
You can see from the image above that the floating cubes are in a 9 x 9 grid, although some cubes are obviously missing.
This is important because you must rotate the floating cubes in your head and then apply the pattern of the 9 x 9 grid to the lower cubes in 3 different ways.
For this example, when you interact with the lower cubes on the floor, you'll be given three options.
- Selecting Pitch Dark is how you reset the cubes
- Selecting A Warm Touch is the red cubes on the image
Selecting Fading Memories is the blue cubes on the image
- Selecting Recovered Life is the yellow cubes on the image
Here are the other patterns that are possible, depending on the arrangement of the floating cubes that are possible.
Hidden Puzzle - Follow the Path
From the puzzle cubes location, you can head further along the cliff to reach this puzzle, here's an example image:
You'll come to the next puzzle with several circular platforms to stand on, you can head over to the construct to start the puzzle.
The puzzle is easy, you can just follow the path in the image below and the puzzle will be complete, it's a really simple one.
Have you completed Atoraxxion yet, what do you think of the dungeons? Let us know!
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