Igor Bartali's Adventure Log
The +4 AP and +2 DP Adventure Journal

By nyaiera
Published: Feb 24, 2023
Updated: Jan 16, 2025

Igor Bartali's Adventure Log provides the most AP + DP of any Adventure Journal
- The stats provided by the journal make it basically mandatory for increasing stats
- While Igor Bartali's Adventure Log looks long, most of the tasks are very simple
- The journal also gives +90 Max Hp, +65 Stamina, +9 Accuracy, +8 Evasion and +28 Weight Limit
- The stats provided by the journal are family wide, which is great for Seasonal characters and alts
Igor Bartali's Adventure Log also rewards you with an easy way to make x2 Advice of Valks (+100)
Starting Igor Bartali's Adventure Log Journal
The requirements to begin Igor Bartali's Secret Journal are pretty accessible. You will need to be Level 51 or higher and have completed the Calpheon main questline
Igor Bartali's Adventure Log Journal can then be found on Adventure Log Bookshelf which can be found in the 'Esc' menu.
Book 1 Chapter 1
Before beginning Chapter 1, skip to chapter 2 and complete the task located in Velia first instead.
This is because Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 both take place in Crioville and can be done together more efficiently and Book 2 Chapter 1 will also take place nearby.
The first chapter will just have you defeat a Cyclops over at Cyclops land, located by Crioville. It's nice and easy and will set you up to quickily complete chapter 3.
Find a Cyclops and defeat it to complete the first chapter.
Book 1 Chapter 2
For this chapter you'll need to catch a Grunt fish, its generally recommended to use a Triple-Float Fishing Rod to help with this.
You can catch a Grunt over at the north west coast of Velia, to take advantage of the Abundant fishing bonus, you can try the location in the image below.
Once you have your Grunt you can complete the chapter. While you're here, there's some items you can grab
While in Velia use the Central Marketplace to buy items now to save you back tracking during Book 2
Grab a [Hunting] Beginner Matchlock, you won't need anything higher than a +7. You should also pick up a Magic Tanning Knife as well.
Book 1 Chapter 3
This chapter is about obtaining knowledge on the monster "Earth Root Nymph" by defeating them.
They can be found in a small cave south of Crioville lake, here's the entrance to the cave, just head inside and defeat them.
Once you find General Goods Vendor Crie just head north like highlighted in the image below:
The first book is shorter than most with only three chapters, now you're ready to move on to Book 2.
Book 2 Chapter 1
Next up is some butchering, you'll need to kill Elk and gather their meat. Luckily there are Elk located near Behr, which is just north east of Crioville.
If you don't have one, you can pick up a basic Dull Butcher Knife from the Material Vendor NPC Indri in Behr.
While you're here you can quickly complete Book 2 Chapter 4 since it also takes place in Behr
Once you're ready you can head south of Behr to find plenty of Elk once you have a knife.
Book 2 Chapter 2
This chapter will have you hunt a Giant Brown Bear using the matchlock we got in Velia. The easiest location to find a Giant Brown Bear is on the cliffs near Olvia.
Book 2 Chapter 3
This chapter will have you hunt a Freshwater Crocodile and butcher it for Crocodile Meat.
Freshwater Crocodiles can be found around Lake Kaia, they're not difficult to find and hunt using a matchlock.
Book 2 Chapter 4
You'll need to deliver an Magic Tanning Knife to NPC Likke Behr, it's quick and easy chapter to complete.
If you don't have a Magic Tanning Knife you can pick one up from the Central Marketplace fairly easily:
Book 2 Chapter 5
Head over to Calpheon, and find the NPC Harden. Once there you can use the chat option to gain the Trent Carpentry Tool knowledge.
Harden can be found near the Northern Stables, the knowledge will cost you 10 energy to obtain.
Book 2 Chapter 6
This chapter is quick and easy while you're still in Trent, head north and defeat 20 Treants, here's an image of their location:
Book 2 Chapter 7
This chapter also takes place north of Trent, in Treant Forest. You'll need to find a glowing tree stump and interact with it, there's a cabin by a river that will help you find it.
The tree stump is located close to a log cabin by the river, it's pretty large and recognizable. Here's an image of the tree stump you'll need to interact with:
Book 3 Chapter 1
This book will be all based around Hexe Sanctuary, so there will be alot less travelling. For the first chapter you'll need to defeat a crow.
Book 3 Chapter 2
After defeating the crows in the previous chapter, head up to the the Witch's Chapel node near Hexe Sanctuary.
Once you're there, you'll see an abandoned chapel, go inside and interact with the Node Manager there, Hexe's Curse to complete the chapter.
Book 3 Chapter 3
This chapter will require you to defeat the Green Orc Skeleton Warrior that appeared with the witch at Hexe Sanctuary.
This chapter will reward you with +1 DP to your stats once you complete it.
Book 3 Chapter 4
In this chapter you'll be tasked with delivering a Witch's Earring to NPC Becker. The easiest way to obtain one is the Central Marketplace.
While you're here at Hexe Sanctuary you can also complete the Hexe Sanctuary zone kill quest "Accessory Filled with the Witch's Power - Part I"
You can receive the quest just by visiting Hexe Sanctuary and track the quest progress near your minimap.
For killing 300 mobs at Hexe Sanctuary you'll be awarded with a Witch's Earring, this will also complete Book 3 Chapter 5.
Book 3 Chapter 5
All you'll need to do for this chapter is defeat 20 Hexe Skeletons at Hexe Sanctuary, quick and easy.
After completing this chapter you can move on to Book 4.
Book 4 Chapter 1
Next you'll be asked to gather Silver Azalea. The easiest place to do this is near Behr. head over to Material Vendor NPC Indri in Behr.
You will need a Hoe to gather them with, you can grab one from Indri if you need one.
To find Silver Azalea use Indri as a guideline and head over the river as outlined in the image below:
Just continue in a straight line past Indri then head up the hill on the otherside of the river and look for white flowers.
You'll quickly come across a Silver Azalea like in the image below:
Book 4 Chapter 2
For the second ingredient you'll need to make a Distilled Water.
Head back to Indri in Behr and purchase an Empty Bottle. After buying a bottle, head over to the nearby river and hit R to fill them with water.
Book 4 Chapter 3
Next will be another life skill, this time its gathering. You can do Water Collecting, Lumbering, Skinning, Extracting, gathering with a hoe, mining or butchering.
This is for an item called Fairy's Breath. Since we've picked up a Fluid collector last chapter you can use that to Extract sap from trees.
It's considered a rare drop, so use which ever gathering method you prefer. To drastically increase gathering speed with little investment, you can use a perfume of swiftness.
Book 4 Chapter 4
For this chapter all you'll need to do is to obtain some Ogre Blood by using a Fluid Collector in the area near Behr.
Book 5 Chapter 1
Book 5 is really quick and easy, you'll be able to speed through this book no problem. First up is some Simple Alchemy.
You'll need to craft 5 Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice by using Simple Alchemy in the processing window (L).
The easiest way to craft this is using the recipe 1 Special Sunrise Herb + 1 Mineral Water.
Special Sunrise Herb are usually readily available on the Central Marketplace and Mineral Water can be purchased from a Cooking Merchant or Innkeeper NPC.
Book 5 Chapter 2
Pull out the fangs of Rhutum Fighters might sound like gathering, but it actually means kill them. For this chapter head over to Rhutum Outstation, just south of Calpheon.
Once you're there, defeat 30 Rhutum Monsters to finish the chapter.
Book 5 Chapter 3
This chapter has us back to gathering, this time it's a cabbage. Luckily there are some not too far away from Rhutum Outstation.
There's a cabbage farm north east of Gambino Farm, just collect a cabbage to finish the chapter.
Book 5 Chapter 4
This is a simple one, you just need to eat a Balenos Meal which are usually always readily available on the Central Marketplace.
Book 6 Chapter 1
For this chapter you're required to join or create a guild. If you don't want to be in a guild, you can leave or destroy the guild after completing the chapter.
You can create a guild for 100,000 silver by speaking to a Guild Manager in major cities.
If you'd like to a join a guild, check your server chat, usually guilds will post recruitment messages there.
Guilds offer passive buffs like more Max HP, AP and accuracy as well as silver contracts, so it might be a good idea to join one.
Book 6 Chapter 2
This is the first chapter in Bartalli's Log that provides you with a +1 AP increase. You'll need to defeat 10 trolls around Quint Hill
Book 6 Chapter 3
Now you'll need to head over to Calpheon and collect all the knowledge relating to the Calpheon Merchants category.
This chapter can be a little time consuming depending on how much knowledge you already have. There's a way to keep track of this in game.
Open the knowledge window (H) and then go to the Character section. You'll then see the option for People of Calpheon and Calpheon City Merchants.
Once you've finished collecting the different types of merchants you'll be able to complete the chapter.
Book 6 Chapter 4
This chapter can be completed right away, simply type the answer "12" into the general chat in order to finish the task and move on to the next chapter.
Book 6 Chapter 5
This is another simple one, but you will need 10 contribution points. Head to any major city and rent a container from a Storage Keeper NPC.
Just be sure to select the "Chat" option. It would be best to select the Calpheon Storage Keeper Basquean Ljurik.
Once you have a container, you can head to NPC Valks who's also located in Calpheon, which is why it's easiest to use the Calpheon Storage keeper.
If you already have a container or would like to use one in another city, that's fine too!
Book 6 Chapter 6
Next we'll have to try taming a horse. Since we're near Calpheon, we'll stick to this area. Head to the Stable Keeper NPC and buy a few Capturing Ropes.
After that you can head to Tavern Owner NPC Fredelles Herba and buy Raw Sugar and Mineral Water. By using Heating (L) you can process them into a Lump of Raw Sugar.
The recipe is Raw Sugar x10 and Mineral Water x1 per Lump of Raw Sugar that you'ld like to create.
You might want to make extra just incase you don't get a horse on your first attempt.
Here is a location close by to Calpheon that you can grab a wild horse at, you can attempt to tame one here:
Equip your Capturing Rope from your inventory then get closer to the horse you want to tame. Left clicking will throw your rope then the mini-games will start.
When the next mini-game starts rapidly hit spacebar to overpower the horse so that you can move closer to it.
Once you get close enough to the horse, give it a few of the Lump of Raw Sugar (you can hotbar it if you need to) then you can attempt to mount it.
Book 7 Chapter 1
Another quick chapter that will have you head over to Florin Village. Once you're there, you'll have to try the Medicinal Herb Brewer mini game.
It's really simple, just hit spacebar within the blue area 5 times to complete the mini game and the chapter.
Book 7 Chapter 2
While you're over at Florin, gather a Everlasting Herb with a hoe. This will require Skilled 5 Gathering, you won't be able to see the herb highlighted unless you have Skilled 5 Gathering.
The herb is South East of Florin, up on the mountain.
You'll be able to find the plant tucked away along the mountain side, here's an image to help you identify it:
Book 7 Chapter 3
Next you'll be returning a Lost Lamb, the location is luckily still quite close to Florin. The easiest way to do this is generally to do the Lost Lamb quest.
Head over to the Lynch ranch and talk to NPC Murana Lynch. You'll need to play the Amnity game with her to gain 10 Amnity in order to unlock the Lost Lamb quest.
Your second option is to Find a Lost Lamb and carry it over to NPC Islin Bartali, the innkeeper in Velia.
Here's the location of the Lost Lamb. You may need to look around as the lamb can move.
Here's the Lost Lamb, you can pick up the lamb to carry it back to Islin Bartali who will be the NPC needed for the next chapter.
Book 7 Chapter 4
This is just an item delivery chapter. Head to NPC Islin Bartali, the innkeeper in Velia and give her a PRI Serap's Necklace.
You can buy one from the Central Marketplace. If you'd rather grind for one, several spots in Valencia drop them.
You can use our Grind Map to check which locations drop them!
You can also craft them with Yona's Fragments but its likely cheaper to just buy from the Central Market unless you have spare fragments.
Book 8 Chapter 1
For the first chapter in book 8, you'll be asked to ride on a wagon.
You can purchase a few different Wagons from a stable keeper, once you've got one, just register it at a stable keeper like you would a horse.
Jump on the new wagon mount and you'll complete the chapter, you can also use a Peridot Forest Path Wagon, just talk to Igor Bartali whilst mounted to it.
Book 8 Chapter 2
Time for more life skills. Now we're on to cooking. To complete this, you will need at least Skilled 1 cooking and a Cooking Utensil installed in your house.
You'll be required to craft a Cold Draft Beer which is an RNG proc from cooking regular Beer.
The recipe is 5 Cereals like 5 Potato, 6 Mineral Water,1 Sugar and 2 Leavening Agent.
Cooking Beer can be done from Beginner 1 but in order to proc the Blue Cold Draft Beers Skilled 1.
Book 8 Chapter 3
Next its back to blood collecting. This time it's Weasel Blood which isn't all that difficult, there are plenty around Velia and are particularly easy to find north of Western Guard Camp.
Book 8 Chapter 4
Now we'll need to use the Weasel Blood we just obtained from chapter 3 to craft Wise Man's Blood.
You'll need a Alchemy Tool installed in your home and Apprentice 1 Alchemy.
The full list of ingredients needed are 1 Monk's Branch, 1 Trace of Nature, 1 Clear Liquid Reagent and the 2 Weasel Blood.
The easiest way to get the ingredients is to just use the Central Marketplace, they're all rather cheap.
Book 8 Chapter 5
This chapter is a little bit different, you will be required to rent a cannon from NPC Tranan Underfoe the Blacksmith in Velia.
You can exchange 20 energy for 1 Cannon and 10 cannonballs. Head over to Cron Castle near Velia and look for this location:
Once you move over to the ledge you'll be able to see a platform down below, fall down on to it like this:
When you're on the little platform, you'll want to setup your cannon. You're aiming for some training dummies in the water.
The cursor is in around the right spot to aim for, you should be able to the hit dummies with a little trial and error.
Book 8 Chapter 6
This one is basically a free +10 Max HP reward, all you have to do is talk to the Black Spirit to complete the chapter.
Book 9 Chapter 1
This chapter will have you head to Kamasylve Temple to find lost items. The lost items can be revealed by talking with the Black Spirit.
If you're unfamiliar with the Kamasylve Temple you can find it close to Heidel, here's a picture of the map:
Book 9 Chapter 2
Chapter 2 will utilize the Workshops that can be used by your workers. The easiest ones are likely the ones in Heidel.
The properties with Workshops available in Heidel 5-3 7-4, 2F and 8-4. To view these properties, open your map (M) and click on the green Heidel node.
You will then be able to see the housing options. You'll have to craft an Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil here are the material requirements:
The materials will need to be place in your storage in order to be used for crafting in the Tool Workshop.
Book 9 Chapter 3
This chapter is a really simple one, you'll just need to kill 10 Sausan Guards, if you've never been to Sausan Garrison, here is the location:
Book 9 Chapter 4
Chapter 4 is a knowledge battle with Haley. This will be a series of questions, 21 in total.
This energy costs of this chapter have been reduced so you should be alright to do the questions, but if you need more energy then you can use alts for more energy or use Energy Potions if you have them.
Haley can be found in Altinova, close to Deve the Storage Keeper. Each quest will have you talk to Haley then interact with a note on a table near you Deve.
To save you time, here are the answers to the 21 questions that Haley will ask you:
1. Moguly Pirates Captain
2. 101 things
3. Lord's Accusation
4. Harassed the daughter
5. Remains of Ancient Giant
6. Allan Serbin
7. Dark Red Crystal
8. Khuruto
9. Comitia of Tantinis
10. The Mausoleum
11. Kamasilve Temple
12. Neruda Shen
13. Adam Berney
14. Mediah Shore
15. Alustin
16. Sezec Hunters
17. Cron Castle
18. Letusa
19. Helmet
20. Wandering Rogues
21. Bareeds III
Book 10 Chapter 1
The first chapter of Book 10 will have you defeat Helm Golem (Hard) at Helms Post. Its an elite mob, but nothing difficult, here's an image of what to look for.
Book 10 Chapter 2
This is another one of the knowledge completion chapters. Open the knowledge window (H) then select Obtain Ecology - Ecology of Mediah - Creatures of Mediah Knowledge.
This time its mob knowledge which can be time consuming to complete so knowledge gain chance items are recommended.
Simple Cron Meal provides +10% chance to gain knowledge. A Weenie Elixir will give another +7% chance.
Pearl cosmetic items in the Ear or Head slot also provide an extra 5% chance while Pearl Eye slot cosmetics like glasses give another 50% chance to gain knowledge.
If you need help, why not check out our Creatures of Mediah guide here for detailed mob locations?
Book 10 Chapter 3
More bosses! This time from Forbidden Books. you'll need 5 in total in order to create a Cartian Spells.
To create the Cartian Spells, turn off 'Auto-Arrange' in your inventory and arrange the Forbidden Books into a (+) shape.
You'll need to defeat a Skeleton King from these summon scrolls, right clicking the Cartian Spells will lead you to the location.
Book 10 Chapter 4
Next, chapter 4 will have you run over to Hasrah Ancient Ruins to defeat 5 Ancient Weapons inside the cave.
If you remember, this is where most Awakening questlines will have you go to kill Ancient Weapons, so it shouldn't take long at all to kill 5.
Book 10 Chapter 5
This chapter you'll only have to speak to Ahon Kirus in Tarif, it's a really easy one just some quick dialogue to get through.
Book 11 Chapter 1
This is another workshop chapter that uses workers to craft something for us.
Create a Potato Crate using a Crop Workbench. Heidel houses 3-3, 4-1 2F, 4-2 2F, 9-1 2F can all be used for Crop Workbenches.
The ingredients needed to craft the crate is 10 Potatoes and 1 Black Stone Powder. Both can be obtained from the Central Marketplace, too.
Book 11 Chapter 2
Next you'll need to connect the node from Sand Grain Bazaar to Pilgrim's Haven:
It's also much quicker to use a Value Pack so that you can manage node contribution points by using the map. You can buy a 1 day version from the Loyalties store.
Book 11 Chapter 3
Time to collect a Bag of Muddy Water from the desert by using a Shabby Shovel.
Head over to Material Vendor Kulahuth in Sand Grain Bazaar to purchase a Shabby Shovel then move in the actual desert past Sand Grain Bazaar.
When in the desert, right click the Shabby Shovel and you'll obtain a Bag of Muddy Water
Book 11 Chapter 4
A quick and easy chapter. All you need to do is try a Seafood Cron Meal, they can be purchased cheaply from the Central Marketplace.
Book 11 Chapter 5
Use a Book of Training - Combat purchased from the NPC Jamey Drucker found at the training scarecrows in major cities.
Once you've used the item and started training on a scarecrow, you should be able to complete the chapter, you don't have to train for the training book's full period.
Book 12 Chapter 1
Finally another +1 AP reward. All you'll need to do for it is defeat the world boss Kutum. You can use our Boss Timer to track when it will spawn.
Here's where you can find Kutum:
Once you defeat Kutum it will drop Ancient Creature's Fragment which is the chapter's completion requirement.
Take the item over to NPC Desalam at Taphtar Plain who is outside the entrance to Kutum's location.
Book 12 Chapter 2
Another chapter that can be quickly completed by using the Central Marketplace. All you need to do to complete the chapter is craft a Ancient Explorer's Compass.
You can purchase Part for Explorer's Compass from the Central Marketplace. Arrange 3 of them into a (-) shape with auto arrange turned off in your inventory.
Book 12 Chapter 3
Another simple Valencia chapter, this time you'll need to head over to Sand Grain Bazaar and speak to the Stable Keeper NPC Bochlo.
Purchase a Desert Tent Tool and head out into the desert and right click to use it to complete the chapter.
Book 12 Chapter 4
Next up you'll be asked to ride a camel through the desert. Unlike horses, you can't just purchase a camel, instead you have to do a questline.
Complete the quest chain Your Best Friend in the Desert to be rewarded with a camel mount.
You can take the Registration: Light Brown Camel and register it at a Stable Keeper, then check out the mount.
Just mount up and you'll be finished with Book 12, to be efficient for Book 13 Chapter 6, head over to the stable keeper.
Talk to Bochlo and take the quest The Adorable and Trusty Porter, Miniature Elephant for later.
Book 13 Chapter 1
Defeating a Sand Spirit isn't too difficult. They're scattered across the Valencia Desert and are rather weak.
The easiest way to find one, is to fast travel to Valencia using the Magnus wells, then heading just out of the city.
Once you head out into the sand it won't be too long til you come across randomly scattered mobs, there are a few different kinds, so here's what mob you're looking for:
Book 13 Chapter 2
Next up is defeating Shakatu in a game of Yar, a simple card game that was introduced to Black Desert. If you've completed a Season pass, you'll already be familiar with how this works.
The goal of the game is to draw matching cards of the same number, and select which you'd like to discard in order to try and accumulate more points.
Once done, while you're here in Shakatu, it's probably a good idea to jump a head to Book 13 Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.
Book 13 Chapter 3
This chapter is another kill quest, this time you'll need to kill Gahaz Bandit x10 over at Gahaz Bandit Lair, here's the location:
Book 13 Chapter 4
This chapter is best done in tandem with Book 13 Chapter 6, all you have to do is meet the butler of Shakatu's Villa.
Book 13 Chapter 6 will have you visit Shakatu's Villa anyway, so they might as well be done together. Once you're inside, talk to NPC Serazad to complete the chapter.
Book 13 Chapter 5
This chapter is nice and simple, but will require some travelling. Speak to NPC Torio on the coastal docks west of Deserted City of Runn.
Book 13 Chapter 6
Now you'll need a Mini Elephant mount. The only way to unlock a Mini Elephant mount is by completing a quest line.
The Adorable and Trusty Porter, Miniature Elephant quest can be obtained from Bochlo from Sand Grain Bazaar as mentioned earlier.
It's not a difficult quest line, and will only require some very basic life skilling. It's short, too. It will cost a bit of silver, though.
You'll need 10 million in silver, 3x Gold Bar 100G and 10x Empty Bottles in total for the quest line.
When asked to fill the 10x Empty Bottles, you can gather the water from the fountain inside of Shakatu's Villa.
Later, you'll be asked to gather weeds for the elephant, the best place to do this is at the Shakatu Farm land.
Once you're done with the quest chain, mount up on the mini elephant to complete the chapter.
Book 14 Chapter 1
Head inside of Aakman Temple and talk to the NPC Lonely Palieva, if you've farmed Aakman before, its the general vendor that's inside.
To enter Aakman Temple, you'll have to search the Valencia Desert for portals. These portals can lead you to either Aakman or Hystria.
You can also now find Aakman Temple on the world map after having being given a new entrance point:
If you happen to enter Hystria, you can bring up the Esc menu and use Escape to be teleported to an exit. The exit will take you to Ibellab Oasis.
When you enter Aakman, look for the General Goods Merchant on the staircase like below:
Speaking to Lonely Palieva will complete the chapter.
Book 14 Chapter 2
Kill the world boss Nouver and obtain a Desert Tyrant's Mane from defeating it. Once you've collected one, take them to the Trade Manager Atui Balacs in Sand Grain Bazaar.
As it's out in the desert, you won't be able to use your map to find Nouver, but you can use an Sealed Compass to make things easier if you need to.
This is the last of the sheet benefits, giving an additional +2 AP. If you want to you could realistically stop here without missing out on too many bonuses.
You would only miss out on +9 Max HP, +5 Stamina, +2 Weight limit and Evasion +1 and changing the Black Spirit's appearance.
Book 14 Chapter 3
This chapter is another knowledge completion, though its only based on locations which isn't as time consuming.
Open the knowledge window (H) and complete everything within Topography - Valencia - Valencia (Great Desert) to complete the chapter.
Book 14 Chapter 4
Right after you're done with chapter 3, another knowledge chapter is waiting for you. This is just a matter of speaking to King Sahazad Nesser in Valencia
You can use the Magnus teleport to Valencia to skip running through the desert if you have it unlocked!
Book 15 Chapter 1
This is the last chapter and starts off with an easy task. Kill Valencia Lions and butcher them for 10x Lion Meat
They can be found easily on route to Ancado Inner Harbor from Valencia city, you'll have to head up on to the mountains, just off the main road.
Book 15 Chapter 2
This chapter requires you to complete the questline Palm Forest Boy that takes place in Arehaza.
Arehaza is near Valencia City, just further east towards the coast. Here's an image for reference:
Once you've finished the questline you can complete the chapter.
Book 15 Chapter 3
You'll be made to head into the basement of Valencia Castle and since you're going underground you'll want to use a Atanis Firefly for a light source.
You'll want to find the entrance to the basement on the east side of the castle, again you can use the trees on the minimap for a good reference.
Here's an image of the basement entrance so you know what to look for along the cliff edge.
Just head inside the cave and continue forward, you'll reach an open space where you'll be able to see two shrines, head to the one on the far right.
When reaching the shrine, there'll be an NPC warning you of a dangerous fall, go ahead and drop down into the basement anyway.
After falling down, head straight forward, towards the next room containing another shrine.
Once in the next room, turn left and you'll see a corridor into the next location, just follow on into the next more open space.
After following the corridor you'll come across some NPCs, turn to the left and head into the room with the pyramid objects.
When you're in the next room, turn right and head straight on until you reach a new room, then turn left to see another corridor and some more NPCs.
Head down it and follow the one way path, it will lead you to the Ancient Artifact for you to interact with.
To get out of the basement, head back the way you came and follow the one way corridor back out into the open room, once you're back outside, head north towards the circular objects.
When in the room with circular objects, turn right then continue onward into the next room, on your left there will be an NPC and a corridor leading to the exit.
Exiting here will take you outside, still close to Valencia Castle where the last chapter will take place.
Book 15 Chapter 4
Head to Valencia Castle, this time you'll have to climb all the way up to the top of the tower.
Once you're there, you'll be able to see a interactable object called "Castle Wall" which will cost 25 energy to interact with, once you've interacted with it you can complete the chapter.
That's the final chapter of Bartalli's Adventure Log completed and you'll also unlock an appearance change for your Black Spirit!
-- Change log - Updated Book 4 Chapter 3 to Fairy's Breath gathering - 04/11/2023
-- Updated Book 12 Chapter 3 for more clarity - 03/01/2024
-- Added the Location of Aakman Temple on the world map - 25/01/2024
-- Added several changes to chapter completion requirements - 08/03/2024
-- Updated positioning and location of the Cannon in Book 8 Chapter 5 - 09/03/2024
-- Updated certain chapters completion tasks to match patch notes - 20/03/2024
-- Updated completion tasks of several chapters - 05/07/2024
-- Updated Book 10 Chapter 5 to correct requirements - 30/09/2024
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