Ator's Shoes

New BIS Boots!

By nyaiera

Published: Nov 29, 2023

Updated: Feb 09, 2025




Ator's Shoes


The Final Slumbering Origin Armour Piece, Ator's Shoes and how to obtain them! 
  • Ator's Shoes requires a Flame of Resonance, obtained in the end game Ulukita region
  • The boots have the highest max DP out of any boots piece making it the best in slot
  • Ator's Shoes give the slumbering origin armour 4 set effect: Max HP +150, Max Stamina +150
  • Ator's Shoess can be crafted into two versions, either DR Shoes or Evasion Shoes 


Ator's shoes appearance is based on the Ulukita region and they don't match Fallen God gear.



Ator's Shoes Stats and Comparisons

Here are the stats available for the Ator's Shoes, as mentioned there is both a DR and Evasion version available for these Shoes. 

To summarize, the Evasion Shoes have more DP and less Damage Reduction like Muskan's Shoes  while the DR set has more Evasion like Urugon's Shoes


Ator's Shoes

Enhancement Level

Ator's Shoes (Evasion)
Ator's Shoes (DR)
Base DP: 89
- Evasion: 48 (+96)
- Damage Reduction: 39 (+19)
DP: 89
- Evasion: 48 (+51)
- Damage Reduction: 41 (+46)
Desperate Ator's Shoes DP: 90
- Evasion: 50 (+97)
- Damage Reduction: 40 (+21)
DP: 92
- Evasion: 50 (+52)
- Damage Reduction: 42 (+48)
Distorted Ator's Shoes DP: 93
- Evasion: 51 (+98)
- Damage Reduction: 42 (+22)
DP: 95
- Evasion: 51 (+53)
- Damage Reduction: 44 (+49)
Silent Ator's Shoes DP: 96
- Evasion: 53 (+100)
- Damage Reduction: 43 (+24)
DP: 98
- Evasion: 53 (+55)
- Damage Reduction: 45 (+51)
Wailing Ator's Shoes DP: 99
- Evasion: 55 (+102)
- Damage Reduction: 44 (+26)
DP: 101
- Evasion: 55 (+57)
- Damage Reduction: 46 (+53)
Obliterating Ator's Shoes DP: 102
- Evasion: 57 (+104)
- Damage Reduction: 45 (+28)
DP: 104
- Evasion: 57 (+59)
- Damage Reduction: 47 (+55)


For an easier comparison of the different stats, here is how the different tool tips compare in game: 


The base stats of the boots are relative to Caphras Level 10 Urugon's Shoes or Muskan's Shoes. The pair you obtain is based on the type of boots you turn into Ator's Shoes.


Here are comparisons to other end game boots: 


First of all with Blackstar Shoes, it's not really recommended to use them due to costs and efficiency let alone push them to Obsidian for no benefit. 


Not that its common, but you also cannot use PEN Obsidian Blackstar Shoes to make the Ator's Shoes. 

You can use the Blackstar Shoes in order to craft the Ator's Shoes but the other two shoes are better options, they're cheaper to enhance and easier to obtain. 


Next is Urugon's Shoes which at C10 match the Base DR version of the Ator's Shoes, at C20 they'll only match a DUO Ator's Shoes.  



These are the best option for obtaining the DR version of the Ator's Shoes and probably the most used Shoes anyway. 


Lastily are Muskan's Shoes which have less DP and utilize Evasion but with less Damage reduction than the other two options. 



Like with Urugon's, the Muskan's Shoes match Base Evasion Ator's Shoes at C10 and match DUO at C20, so there's no real stat advantage between the two Shoes. 


You can use these if you want to grab the Evasion version of the Ator's Shoes. 


Obtaining Ator's Shoes

To obtain the crafting materials for the Ator's Shoes, you'll need to grind at the Ulukita grind spot Darkseeker's Retreat.



The spot has a requirement of 310 AP and 420 DP, so it's definitely harder to obtain than the other pieces of the slumbering origin armour. 



The Sealed Artifact and Blazing Ember will appear when you defeat the Mournful/Vengeful/Punitive Darkseekers. You must defeat the Blazing Ember to obtain Embers of Resonance x1.


The Sealed Artifact activates for about 5 minutes after defeating the Blazing Ember, and periodically diorients nearby monsters.


Flame of Resonance
How to Obtain How to Use

Flame of Resonance
1. Obtained with a set probability when defeating monsters in the Darkseeker's Retreat

2. Obtained by Heating (L) Embers of Resonance x100.

Embers of Resonance
1. Obtained with a set probability when defeating monsters in the Darkseeker's Retreat
Craft Ator's Shoes


The Embers of Resonance act as the pity pieces for the Flame of Resonance, but the flame can also drop from monsters at the Darkseeker's Retreat. 


In order to craft the shoes you must complete the crafting quest that is available via Barkala in Atessahra in Ulukita.

Your Character must be at least Lv. 56 with at least 1 Flame of Resonance in your inventory. You must also have the boots you'd like to exchange


Ator's Shoes Exchange Quest 

Like with the Dahn's Gloves, the two different versions of the Ator's Shoes can be exchanged for one another by using a simple quest. 


Quest NPC Quest Condition Quest Completion Reward
(Located in Atessahra)

Hand over 1 type of Ator's Shoes
Hand over Scorching Sun Shard x200.

Ator's Shoes of a different type
(equal in enhancement level)
(Located in Atessahra)

Hand over 1 type of Ator's Shoes
Hand over Crystallized Despair x50.

Ator's Shoes of a different type
(equal in enhancement level)


The only limitation on doing this is that you must hand over the 200 Scorching Sun Shard or the 50 Crystallized Despair


Enhancing the Ator's Shoes

To enhance the Ator's Shoes requires a unique enhancement material that's used for all slumbing origin armour pieces and can be crafted using common enhancement materials. 


Flawless Chaotic Black Stones are used to enhance the Ator's Shoes. An enhancement failure will reduce the armor's maximum durability by 30.


Here are the materials for crafting a Flawless Chaotic Black Stone:


Sharp Black Crystal Shard 

Mass of Pure Magic 

Caphras Stone 





You can also craft the stones using the below: 


Flawless Magical Black Stone

Caphras Stone

x1  x10


To craft the stones using Heating in the processing window (L). Using Black Stone Powder x1 and 10x the recipe amounts will allow you to craft 10 Flawless Chaotic Black Stones.


Ator's Shoes takes alot of Cron Stones to enhance beyond PRI and enhancing has decently low rates. 


Generally its recommended to enhance the Ator's Shoes to DUO without using Cron Stones.


To see the rates of enhancing a Ator's Shoes then you can use our Enhancing Simulator!


Have you already crafted your own? Let us know! 


-- Change log - Added Crystalized Despair exchange quest  - 30/06/2024



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